Sunday, June 6, 2010

Mind 'It'

Give it some love,
Give it a fantasy to live for,

Give it a sane being to be with,
Give it a clear conscience,
It comes to life,

To make lies out of love,
To make fantasies of destruction,
To being insane
from a world of blissful sanity,
To make it believe
it has a clear conscience,

It , after all is the
nail of mind
on the cross of mankind.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The silent storm

Suppressed,subdued and muted in action,
Tearing thoughts with a deep spin.

An unreflective mind
looking beyond,
Burning down the memories,
Building the pyre of friendship.

It all began,
clear and lucid,

with free will,
without hopes,
with spirit,
without expectations,

It all ended
with a difference of thoughts,
too difficult to be rationalized,
too deep to fathom,
like a mystifying painting.

Emotions clouded the mind,
Penetrating sarcasm,

Silence in action,
A storm of thoughts,

It blew away
as silently
as it came in...