Sunday, June 6, 2010

Mind 'It'

Give it some love,
Give it a fantasy to live for,

Give it a sane being to be with,
Give it a clear conscience,
It comes to life,

To make lies out of love,
To make fantasies of destruction,
To being insane
from a world of blissful sanity,
To make it believe
it has a clear conscience,

It , after all is the
nail of mind
on the cross of mankind.


  1. According to me, "Thoughts are different from actions, but the moment they start synchronizing life tastes good",
    Similarly the poems compiled here gives life a taste of its own,
    /* Lalli kodutha kasukku ivalo than eluda mudiyum */
    But seriously Laitha, Great choice of words, u have got sheer talent,
    continue the same. The road ahead has many surprises in store for u.

    I remember one of my poems as well,
    "The woods are lovely dark and deep,
    I have miles to go and promises to keep..."
    i feel u removing your slippers,
    sorry yaar, sorry to Robert Frost as well,
    enjoy life,
    have a great time blogging,.....

    Dinesh Jaswant Singh

  2. @dinesh: thanks a lot:)
    i do agree with ur comment that thoughts r diff from actions but it is extremely difficult to synchronize both....

    ingayum java king java comments use panirkaar pola:P

    @hari: ya give IT a big kick!!!
